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You may support the funds of your choice, up to a maximum of 8 different funds, with a minimum contribution of $5 per fund, per month. Popular Gift Amounts to Consider: $17.76 $25 $42* $76 $100 *$42 a month to the General Fund for 12 months in a calendar year qualifies you for recognition in the 1890 Annual Giving Circle. I would like my monthly gift to support: General Fund (Area of Greatest Need) Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order the 1890 Annual Giving Circle Pin and corresponding bar once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 or more in a calendar year have been made. ($42 per month to the GENERAL FUND for 12 months in a calendar year will be recognized at the Topaz level of the 1890 Annual Giving Circle). Guardian Trust Endowment Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order the Guardian Trust pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $5,000 have been made. President General's Project— Celebrate Stars & Stripes Forever! Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order the President General’s Project Pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Note: Monthly gifts do not count toward the President General's Stars & Stripes Giving Circle Pin, which requires a one-time gift of $1,250 for pin eligibility. Other funds Gifts to the Nation Marian Anderson Legacy Fund Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. DAR Pathway of the Patriots – Promoter Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. NOTE: Pathway of the Patriots Tree pledge contributions MAY NOT be made via Sustaining Supporter. Children of the American Revolution Friends of C.A.R. Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Historical Preservation: DAR Genealogy Library Library Life Member Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Friends of the Library Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Friends of Seimes Technology Center Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Historical Preservation: Genealogical Research Friends of Genealogy Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Membership Challenge Amount: $ The donor will be recognized on the Membership Challenge virtual recognition wall at and will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 have been made. Historical Preservation: DAR Museum Friends of DAR Museum Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Museum Adopt an Object Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Museum Keeper Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 have been made. Historical Preservation: DAR Americana Collection Friends of Americana Collection Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Friends of American History Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. NSDAR Archives Fund Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Education Friends of Education Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Friends of American Indian Scholarship Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. American Indian Fund Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Friends of DAR Scholarship Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Friends of DAR Schools Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. General School Fund Amount: $ Educational Support for Post Secondary Students Amount: $ Student Support Amount: $ Buildings, Property and Equipment Amount: $ Friends of Junior Membership Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Patriotism DAR Project Patriot Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Friends of Junior American Citizens Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Friends of Veterans Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Publications Friends of American Spirit Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made, plus 5 new gift subscriptions. Friends of DAR Magazine Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. NSDAR: A Legacy Preserved Friends of Property Maintenance Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made. Investment Trust Fund Amount: $ The donor will be eligible to order this pin from once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.
Payment type (choose one): Credit Card Electronic Funds Transfer from Checking Account Electronic Funds Transfer from Savings Account Electronic Funds Transfer from Checking Account (Which means no Credit Card Charges incurred by NSDAR) 9-Digit Routing Number * Bank Account Number * Electronic Funds Transfer from Savings Account (Which means no Credit Card Charges incurred by NSDAR) 9-Digit Routing Number * Bank Account Number * Credit Card Credit Card Holder's Name * Credit Card Type * - Select - VISA MasterCard American Express Discover Credit Card Number * CVV Code * 3- or 4-digit card security code Expiration Date * 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 1 - January 2 - February 3 - March 4 - April 5 - May 6 - June 7 - July 8 - August 9 - September 10 - October 11 - November 12 - December Note: All donations will be processed on, or around the 3rd of each month, weekends and holidays permitting. I understand that my monthly gifts to NSDAR are ongoing, but that I may cancel my commitment at any time. I may alter my monthly giving profile any time, day or night using the Sustainer Portal.