Become a Sustaining Supporter The monthly giving program for DAR

Sustaining Supporter - Pillars of Patriotism

Want to do the most for DAR? Become a Sustaining Supporter and make monthly contributions in support of the funds and programs that mean the most to you. Sustaining Supporters are Daughters and friends of DAR who care deeply about investing in the work of DAR and do so by contributing each month through automatic monthly gifts via a credit card charge or electronic funds transfer from their bank account. Click here for more information on the Sustaining Supporter monthly giving program

1. Your Information

Are you currently a Sustaining Supporter? *

Already a Sustainer?

Click HERE if you would like to make changes or additions to your monthly giving profile or update your payment information. Or click the “Go back” button to return to the Sustainer sign-up page

Go back


(In case we have any questions concerning your sign-up form.)

You may support the funds of your choice, up to a maximum of 8 different funds, with a minimum contribution of $5 per fund, per month.

Popular Gift Amounts to Consider: $17.76 $25 $42* $76 $100

*$42 a month to the General Fund for 12 months in a calendar year qualifies you for recognition in the 1890 Annual Giving Circle.

I would like my monthly gift to support:

The donor will be eligible to order the 1890 Annual Giving Circle Pin and corresponding bar once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 or more in a calendar year have been made. ($42 per month to the GENERAL FUND for 12 months in a calendar year will be recognized at the Topaz level of the 1890 Annual Giving Circle).

The donor will be eligible to order the Guardian Trust pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $5,000 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order the President General’s Project Pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. Note: Monthly gifts do not count toward the President General's Stars & Stripes Giving Circle Pin, which requires a one-time gift of $1,250 for pin eligibility.

Gifts to the Nation

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made. NOTE: Pathway of the Patriots Tree pledge contributions MAY NOT be made via Sustaining Supporter.

Children of the American Revolution

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

Historical Preservation: DAR Genealogy Library

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

Historical Preservation: Genealogical Research

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be recognized on the Membership Challenge virtual recognition wall at and will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 have been made.

Historical Preservation: DAR Museum

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $500 have been made.

Historical Preservation: DAR Americana Collection

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.


The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.


The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.


The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made, plus 5 new gift subscriptions.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

NSDAR: A Legacy Preserved

The donor will be eligible to order this pin once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $200 have been made.

The donor will be eligible to order this pin from once consecutive monthly contributions totaling $100 have been made.

3. Your Payment Information

Payment type (choose one):

Electronic Funds Transfer from Checking Account (Which means no Credit Card Charges incurred by NSDAR)

Electronic Funds Transfer from Savings Account (Which means no Credit Card Charges incurred by NSDAR)

Credit Card

3- or 4-digit card security code

Note: All donations will be processed on, or around the 3rd of each month, weekends and holidays permitting. I understand that my monthly gifts to NSDAR are ongoing, but that I may cancel my commitment at any time. I may alter my monthly giving profile any time, day or night using the Sustainer Portal.

If you have questions about reaching specific donation levels in order to qualify for recognition in the 1890 Annual Giving Circle, or about reaching the minimum donation requirement for any of the DAR Donation Pins, then please email us at, or call the Office of Development directly at 800-449-1776.